Keeping up with Baby...

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Friday, May 21, 2010


Congratulations are in order for my baby brother who graduated college last weekend! At 20 years old (that's right, he hasn't even turned 21 yet!) he has a degree in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering from Colorado School of Mines. Impressive!

The New Graduate

CSM Stage with Diplomas

The few hours of his graduation were the only hours of a clear blue sky all weekend! But, luckily we didn't get wet and we enjoyed beautiful weather during the ceremony. (I think Mines knows what they are doing by having the ceremony at 9am!). 

Iconic School of Mines "M" on the Hillside

Greg & I getting ready for the ceremony to start. 

Post-Ceremony Hug from Mom

It was great to have family in town to help us all celebrate. Afterwards Greg grilled up fajitas for everyone...yummy! 

For now Kel is enjoying his summer vacation but he'll be returning to Mines in the fall to begin his PhD studies in Chemical Engineering! After that long-awaited 21st birthday arrives (May 27) we're taking him to Vegas for some fun! 

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