It is already Tuesday again... I haven't done an update post about my new bill pay system (which is working quite well) and I don't have any fun ideas for a top ten list today. Oops. Oh well, I don't want to break my Ten on Tuesday tradition, so this week will have to be ten things about me. Warning, I'm a weird one! Here we go...
10. I am a super picky eater. As you might have noticed with my Sonic grilled cheese reference, I tend to eat like a six year old. I love cheeseburgers (plain & dry), chicken strips, pizza and spaghetti. I hate lettuce, mustard, bananas, pecans and anything that is cold and crunchy. Weird textures totally gross me out.
09. I cut my fingernails every couple of days. I hate for them to be even a little bit long. But I never chew or bite them. That grosses me out too.
08. I have never had a cavity. Other than braces when I was a teenager, I haven't had anything done to my teeth other than cleaning....which probably explains why I love going to the dentist.
But don't be too jealous:
07. I have terrible eye sight. Seriously, it is awful. I asked the eye doctor once what my number was. You know, 20/20, 20/15 whatever. She said they didn't have a number for me. Gee, thanks, that makes me feel good. Luckily, I have been wearing the same contacts (same brand, not Rx) for over 15 years.
06. I am really good at Pictionary.
05. My black cat, Dakota, is left handed.
04. I don't like birds as pets. I would love to have a guinea pig however!
03. I didn't learn how to swallow a pill until I was an adult. Pathetic, I know. I tried and tried but they would always get stuck on my tongue and make me gag.
02. I hate for my Jeep to be dirty. I get her washed all the time. I just think she looks happier when she is all clean and shiny. I call her Jeepie.
01. I love shopping. It may be my greatest talent. I can always find amazing deals. But, in my attempt to be more responsible and spend less money I haven't been shopping since early January. It is the best expression of self control I've ever exhibited. Well, until I turned "no shopping" into house hunting and then got Greg hooked. Big oops. Now we both want to move to a new house. Uh oh...