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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Five February Favorites

It is February in Colorado. It is snowing. Again. So, I'm inside with a few more of my favorite things: 

01. Sex and the City Complete Collection 

The whole collection - all the tv episodes plus both movies! (Great holiday gift! Thanks honey!) I love to pop a season into the dvd player on a Saturday afternoon while I'm doing stuff around the house. Turns out (to my surprise) there are several episodes I had never seen before. The fabulous Sex & the City ladies help glam up even washing dishes and folding laundry!

02. Facebook
I really love facebook. I have reconnected with so many old friends that I would have otherwise probably never gotten to talk to again. With just the time that has gone by plus the fact that I live 1,200 miles away from where I grew up and went to high school there are great friends that I lost touch with (shame on me). But the "miracle of facebook" as I like to call it, allows me to chat with friends anywhere in the world, see their fun vacation photos and know quite a bit about their day-to-day lives! Aww, technology... If we are old friends or new friends in the making, friend me on facebook!  

03. Andes Mints
Photo found here
I'm addicted to these little chocolate-minty bites of deliciousness! I need to quit. But they are so tiny....that means they are practically calorie free, right? 

04. Pink VW Travel Cup
Can you see the snow out there?
 I think my photography skills needs some improvement. 
Another holiday gift that I love. (I also have two from World Market and one really huge one from Starbucks!) I don't know why, but I love drinking out of these sippy travel cups with lids & straws. I think it is the straws. Isn't everything better through a straw? I carry ice water around in these cups all the time. Even to bed. 

05. Ugg Slippers

Keeping my toes warm!
It's winter in Colorado. It is cold outside. But I really hate having the heater blowing. So, I wear these comfy little Ugg slippers around the house. They are super warm. I think you can tell I wear them a lot! 

Stay warm,
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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ten Favorite TV Shows


My ten favorite tv shows right now:
05. NCIS
03. Bones

Thanks to the miracle that is DVR, we never miss an episode! What are tv shows are you loving this winter?

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