Our bathroom remodel has officially begun! Today was the first day and it was quite productive. (Just to clarify for those of you who only really know one of us or in case you thought we had some hidden construction talent we'd been hiding all these years, no we are not doing the work ourselves, none of it.) Nevertheless, its still a home improvement project and the most exciting thing going on in our world for the moment.
As a reminder, here are the obligatory "before" photos:

Basically it was a small 3x3 stall shower stuck behind the bathroom door and a plain garden tub which has never even been turned on in the 11 months that I've lived here (and really what matters before then?!).
So, the progress achieved in one day of demo:
Guess there's no turning back now!

How sad is that poor faucet? You can see where the bathtub obviously was, and also the shower drain.
That's what's going on at the Jones'. Wish us luck! I'll post updated photos as this project continues....
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