It is already Tuesday again... I haven't done an update post about my new bill pay system (which is working quite well) and I don't have any fun ideas for a top ten list today. Oops. Oh well, I don't want to break my Ten on Tuesday tradition, so this week will have to be ten things about me. Warning, I'm a weird one! Here we go...
10. I am a super picky eater. As you might have noticed with my Sonic grilled cheese reference, I tend to eat like a six year old. I love cheeseburgers (plain & dry), chicken strips, pizza and spaghetti. I hate lettuce, mustard, bananas, pecans and anything that is cold and crunchy. Weird textures totally gross me out.
09. I cut my fingernails every couple of days. I hate for them to be even a little bit long. But I never chew or bite them. That grosses me out too.
08. I have never had a cavity. Other than braces when I was a teenager, I haven't had anything done to my teeth other than cleaning....which probably explains why I love going to the dentist.
But don't be too jealous:
07. I have terrible eye sight. Seriously, it is awful. I asked the eye doctor once what my number was. You know, 20/20, 20/15 whatever. She said they didn't have a number for me. Gee, thanks, that makes me feel good. Luckily, I have been wearing the same contacts (same brand, not Rx) for over 15 years.
06. I am really good at Pictionary.
05. My black cat, Dakota, is left handed.
04. I don't like birds as pets. I would love to have a guinea pig however!
03. I didn't learn how to swallow a pill until I was an adult. Pathetic, I know. I tried and tried but they would always get stuck on my tongue and make me gag.
02. I hate for my Jeep to be dirty. I get her washed all the time. I just think she looks happier when she is all clean and shiny. I call her Jeepie.
01. I love shopping. It may be my greatest talent. I can always find amazing deals. But, in my attempt to be more responsible and spend less money I haven't been shopping since early January. It is the best expression of self control I've ever exhibited. Well, until I turned "no shopping" into house hunting and then got Greg hooked. Big oops. Now we both want to move to a new house. Uh oh...

I wish I could say the same about cavities...just got a couple filled, and I hate going to the dentist. :-( I have a friend who still can not swallow a pill, so you're not alone, ha! What color is your Jeep? Some colors show the dirt so much more. Mine is silver and is pretty good about not showing dirt, which is good because with all the salt, ice, and slush on the roads in the winter, it's pretty filthy!