I'm late to the party, but I have discovered a 21-day get organized challenge over at A bowl full of lemons. Cute blog. Uber-organized! Makes me feel inspired yet messy. Anyways....
Since I discovered this late and haven't had tons of time to complete any of the challenges, I'm going to incorporate as many of the applicable challenges as I can into the remainder of January.
I've done some work on several of the areas (especially since I was already feeling motivated to be more organized in 2011) but top to bottom completed projects, so far I just have the laundry room. I think it was easiest since it is so small, but at least it is a start. And it had gotten pretty messy. Ugh.
We have a lot of laundry! There is actually a hamper under that mess of clothes, not that you can tell. (although I don't know why the vacuum is in there too) I save all the laundry for Saturdays, so whenever Friday rolls around dirty clothes are everywhere. And we are only two people. I don't even want to think about how much more laundry comes with kiddos. Yikes.
Another view. Hangers, bags, placemats I washed two weeks ago that I haven't put away... lovely. But now....
That looks better! I cleaned out and reorganized all my little baskets up top. Put away all the clean laundry. Washed all the dirty laundry. Now I just want one of those signs to go over the washer: LAUNDRY ROOM: DROP YOUR PANTS HERE. Those crack me up. I think I might order the vinyl sticker kind. If I have to be in that tiny little room, I might as well get a chuckle while I'm at it :)
I feel so good about getting the laundry room all nice and organized! I'm almost done with the pantry, so that will be coming up next...

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