So far, I have come across three more...let me know if you see anything that catches your eye ; )
White Leather Gap Purse (with Matching Wallet!)
Sorry for the awkward photo, since it was white I had to take the photo on the floor... This is a really cute purse, I especially love it in the summer!
Black & Gold!
XOXO Shoulder Bag
Green & Brown Patterned Cotton/Linen (?) Bag
This was such a great find! I got it at Stein Mart but several people asked me if it was Vera Bradley. It is light weight with pockets on the outside (both sides). FYI no zipper or snap, but it is deep, so I never really had trouble with stuff falling out.
I still have a LOOONNNGGG way to go to get where I want to be in terms of clutter & organization, but hey, it's a start! I would so rather have these cute purses being used by friends & family than sitting in a plastic tub in my basement.
Enjoy! Hopefully more to report soon!

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